Note: if you’re looking for an online data analytics curriculum to follow in 2024, go here for my latest.
The Plan of Attack
Check out this blog post for detailed rationale about my curriculum choices.
TL;DR: A bridging module for computer science literacy, Udacity's Data Analyst Nanodegree for the data science fundamentals, compilations of the best Machine Learning, Software Engineering, and Back End Development courses, plus additional resources to fill in the gaps.
Note: In May 2017, I paused my progress in this program because I joined Udacity as a Content Developer. Another benefit of personalized online education — flexibility!
Bridging Module
Bridging key knowledge gaps. Programming, computer science, and discrete mathematics are often covered in the two years of an undergraduate computer science program.
data science Core
The fundamentals.
Listed below are the individual courses contained within the Nanodegree:
Machine Learning
Learning from data.
Software Engineering
Best practices.
Back End Development
Storing and manipulating data.
Additional RESOURCES
Filling in the gaps. Suggestions welcome!
from Chemical Engineering
My engineering background gives me a solid foundation in mathematics and statistics. These are a mix of first, second, and fourth year courses that are often covered in undergraduate computer science, mathematics, and statistics programs.